FRIDAY 150515

For time:
50 double-unders (or 150 single-unders)
100 sit-ups
50 double-unders (or 150 single-unders)

Ropes may be checked out today at Endurance Outfitters, 601 E. Central in Belton.

Post times and jump rope method used to WOD log.

Smiling while doing thrusters--now I've seen everything!

Smiling while doing thrusters–now I’ve seen everything! Great high elbows, by the way, John!             Photo credit: Tim Flanagan, Solas Gallery


Welcome to the inaugural posting of the CrossFit ProvPrep site!  WODs will be prescribed here, as well as activities for parents of grammar school and pre-teen students during at-home school days.

For time:
Run 400m
SDHP, 100 reps
Run 400m

Rhetoric Boys Rx=35#; Rhetoric Girls/Logic Boys Rx=25#; Logic Girls Rx=15#

Post times to WOD log.

We'll miss you, Mikey! Keep the torch burning in H-town!

We’ll miss you, Mikey! Keep the torch burning in H-town! Photo Credit: Tim, Solas Gallery