Month: August 2015

FRIDAY 150807

“100 Sit-up Challenge” For time, perform 100 sit-ups Rest 3 minutes, then: “100 Double-under Challenge” For time, perform 100 double-unders (Use 3:1 ratio when subbing single-unders for double-unders) Post times for both challenges separately to WOD Log.  


4 efforts, each for distance of: 2 minutes of lunge steps and squatting broad jumps. Rest 2 minutes between efforts. For each effort, proceed from a start point by taking two lunge steps then, from a full squat, broad jump…

MONDAY 150803

For time: 50 handstand steps 25 burpees 40 handstand steps 20 burpees 30 handstand steps 15 burpees 20 handstand steps 10 burpees 10 handstand steps 5 burpees Rx for handstand steps is a fully inverted body position with a shoulder…