10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:
sprint 20m beween couplets
Compare to 150226
Post times to WOD Log.
View the workout here.
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
400m run
10 weighted good mornings
20 sumo-deadlift high pulls
Rx weights for the SDHPs and WGM: RBv=45#; RBjv & RGv=35#; RGjv & LB=25#; LG=15#
Post rounds completed plus any partial to WOD Log.
“100 Squat Challenge”
For time, perform 100 squats,
timed plank hold:
Hold plank for the same amount of time it took to complete your 100 squats. Taking breaks pauses the countdown timer until plank is re-established.
Post times for 100 squat challenge to WOD Log.
“100 Push-up Challenge”
For time, perform 100 push-ups.
Rest 3 minutes, then:
For time: Run 1 mile
Post times for the 100 Push-up Challenge and the timed mile to WOD Log.
“100 Sit-up Challenge”
For time, perform 100 sit-ups
Rest 3 minutes, then:
“100 Double-under Challenge”
For time, perform 100 double-unders
(Use 3:1 ratio when subbing single-unders for double-unders)
Post times for both challenges separately to WOD Log.
4 efforts, each for distance of:
2 minutes of lunge steps and squatting broad jumps.
Rest 2 minutes between efforts.
For each effort, proceed from a start point by taking two lunge steps then, from a full squat, broad jump forward with a two-footed (simultaneous) landing. Continue this pattern to advance your distance until the timer expires. Make note of the total distance traveled for each effort in meters. Traveling between two predetermined distance markers is the recommended method for quick tabulation.
Post distances for each effort to WOD Log.