Workout of the Day (ProvFit & Non Nobis)
AMRAP 9 minutes:
• 15 Toes-to-Bar
• 10 Deadlifts (115/75)
• 5 Snatches (115/75)
Workout of the Day (ProvFit & Non Nobis)
AMRAP 9 minutes:
• 15 Toes-to-Bar
• 10 Deadlifts (115/75)
• 5 Snatches (115/75)
Workout of the Day (ProvFit & Non Nobis)
Re-establish a baseline wattage by warming up with a 2km row (if needed). Row at such a pace that you could continue another 2km with the same average force if needed. Rest as needed, then:
Row 6 intervals at max effort for 30 seconds, and at baseline effort for 2:30. Note the peak wattage during best interval, the peak wattage during the slowest interval, the interval with the highest average power, and overall average for the entire duration of all work + rest sets.
Workout of the Day
CrossFit Games Open Workout 11.1
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
• 30 Double-unders
• 15 Power snatches (M: 75lbs /W:55lbs)
Workout of the Day
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
5 handstand push-ups
10 steps walking lunge with medicine ball overhead
15 medicine ball sit-ups
10 steps walking lunge with medicine ball overhead
Non Nobis Track
21-15-9 reps for time of:
• Clean 135/95#
• Ring dips
Workout of the Day (ProvFit & Non Nobis)
Overhead Squat
Rest as needed between sets
Workout of the Day (ProvFit & Non Nobis)
On a clock set for 3:00 intervals, complete 5 rounds of:
20 reps single-arm ring rows, 5 reps each arm alternating
As many reps as possible of thrusters until the 2:00 mark, then
1:00 max reps burpees
Rest exactly 1 minute between rounds.
Rx=95/65 lbs.
SL4=75/55 lbs.
SL3=55/35 lbs.
SL2=35/25 lbs.
SL1=25/15 lbs.