Workout of the Day
For time:
30 Bar muscle-ups
60 Burpees
Switching every minute on the minute, begin with one of the two exercise movements. Complete as many reps as you can during that minute of the total reps required by the workout, then switch to the other movement during the next minute and, again, complete as many reps as possible of that movement until the minute expires and switch again. Continue working in this pattern until all reps of both movements are completed in their entirety. If you complete all reps of one movement, you may use all remaining intervals to complete the reps of the remaining movement. For example, if on the third muscle-up interval, you have completed all 30 reps of muscle-ups, you may use all remaining intervals necessary to finish any remaining burpee reps.

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Non Nobis 180301
30 Muscle-ups for Time

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