TUESDAY 160920

Workout of the Day
The Burpee 300
For time and with a partner:

300 burpees

Only one member may execute the burpees at a time, and while burpee reps are being completed, no other exercise may be conducted; in lieu of burpees, teams may also earn “burpee rep credit” by completing any of the following at any point during the workout effort:
400m run = 15 reps credit (both team members must start together, but do not need to finish together)
Overhead Walking Lunge Steps, 15 steps each member = 15 reps credit (steps do not need to be unbroken per member; 2 rep credit deduction is assessed for any member who scales weight plate down from Rx)
20″ Box Jumps, 15 reps each member = 15 reps credit (one box per team; teams may have to share boxes)
Teams must start and end with burpees, but may initiate any of the above substitutions in any arrangement deemed suitable for the fastest finish possible during the rest of the workout. Finish time is marked when a team’s burpee reps along with credited reps = 300.

Rx for OHWLS = M17+/F17+ = 45#/30#; M15-16/F15-16 = 35#/25#; M13-14/F13-14 = 25#/15#

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Non Nobis 160920
For time:
1000 meter row
50 Thrusters (45 lbs)
30 Pull-ups

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MONDAY 160919

Workout of the Day (ProvFit & Non Nobis)
3 rounds for time:
400 meter run
21 kettlebell swings (1.5 pood/1 pood)
12 pull-ups
Compare to 160229

Max duration plank hold

Compare to 160801
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Workout of the Day
First to 500

In teams of 3, accrue 500 reps as quickly as possible of:
Only one member may execute the pushups at a time, and while pushup reps are being completed, no other exercise may be conducted; in lieu of pushups, teams may also earn “pushup rep credit” by completing any of the following at any point during the workout effort:
400m run = 15 reps credit (all team members must start together, but do not need to finish together)
Bodyweight deadlift, 10 reps each member = 15 reps credit (one bar per team, reps do not need to be unbroken per member; 2 rep credit deduction is assessed for any member who scales deadlift weight down to 3/4 bodyweight)
Rope climb = 5 reps per individual member who completes one; not every member has to participate for the team to be credited

Teams must start and end with pushups, but may initiate any of the above substitutions in any arrangement deemed suitable for the fastest finish possible during the rest of the workout. Finish time is marked when a team’s pushup reps along with credited reps = 500.

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FRIDAY 160916

Workout of the Day

Non Nobis 160916
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:

15 ring rows
15 jumping ring dips
15 supine burpees, 10# medicine ball (the kids loved these!)

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Workout of the Day
3 rounds for time of:
30 sumo deadlift high-pulls @ 1/3 BW
20 supine burpees with a 10# medicine ball
15 thrusters @ 1/3 BW

For the supine burpees, begin from the standing position holding the medicine ball securely overhead. Lower yourself to a seated position and lay back holding the medicine ball as in performing a regular, un-anchored sit-up (foot position may be as preferred). Make sure the ball contacts the floor beyond your head and that your shoulder blades make contact with the floor as well at the bottom of the movement. Perform a sit-up with the medicine ball held securely in front of you until it makes contact with your toes. Then rise quickly to a jumping position with the ball still held overhead. Repeat.

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Non Nobis 160915
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
30 box jumps (24″/20″ box)
20 push press (115#/75#)
30 pull-ups
As many attempts as desired of:

Max L-Sit Hold

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Workout of the Day (ProvFit & Non Nobis)
Bear Complex
Find your 3 rep max.
Use a 3-3-3-3-3 rep scheme

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

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