Workout of the Day
50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:

Ring rows

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

Transfer your data from here.



Workout of the Day
Hang Squat Clean
Find your 3 rep max.
Use a 3-3-3-3-3 rep scheme
Take your final 3RM load and clean and jerk it once.

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

MWF 7:30
Sumo Deadlift
Find your 5 rep max.
Use a 5-5-5-5-5 rep scheme

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

Transfer your data from here.


TUESDAY 160202

Workout of the Day
1 Mile Run
1 Mile Run

Rest as needed between efforts (within reason)

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

Transfer your data from here.

Murph Meme

Before you complain to me about the WOD today, just keep in mind that it could have been this.


MONDAY 160201

Workout of the Day
“Sled Tiki”

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:


Pull a sled loaded to 1/2 bodyweight 20 yards between couplets. Use only forward pulls for one direction, and backwards pulls for the opposite direction.

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.


Oh, yes. This is happening!


FRIDAY 160129

Workout of the Day
2k Meter Row
Max Distance Broad Jump

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

Transfer your data from here.

Cambrie-Sydney squat pullup

Combining the partner-assisted pullups with squats: What a time saver on the warmup!


Workout of the Day
For time:

15 rounds of:
3 Deadlifts
2 Cleans
1 Squat Clean & Jerk

Use 75% of your clean 5RM for all the movements.

Retrieve that data from your profile on the “athletes” page, or click here.

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

Transfer your data from here.


This is what you should look like in your deadlift setup…if you don’t have skin, muscles, or internal organs. Note the lordosis of the lower back (a.k.a. the lumbar curve). My drawings make a bit more sense now?