CF ProvPrep @ CF Non Nobis
Three 6-minute rounds of:
Row 500m
Find a 3 RM sumo deadlift
Post times for each of the 500m rows and the sum of the heaviest successfully completed lifts per round.
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Workout of the Day
Find your 5 rep max.
Use a 5-5-5-5-5 rep scheme
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Transfer your data from here.
Workout of the Day
50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:
(Compare to 150908)
Perform as many reps as possible in 2 minutes of:
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Transfer your data from here.
Linc and John getting some extra work in at CrossFit Non Nobis. Good job, fellas! Your shoulders should feel fine in a day or two;-)
Mon, Wed @ CF Non Nobis
21-18-15-12-9-6 reps for time of:
Weighted hip extensions
Snatch drops
For the weighted hip extensions, hold a weight plate to your chest while you perform the movement.
For the snatch drops, start with the barbell across your shoulders behind the neck and with a snatch grip, then drop swiftly into the bottom of an overhead squat position, and perform an overhead squat.
Hip extension weight is determined by 1/3 of snatch balance weight used.
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Um, yeah, so if you guys could just look like this when you lift, that would be great, m’kay? Thanks. –Coach
Workout of the Day
Partner WOD!
4 rounds* for time of:
400m run
30 wall ball shots
30 strict hand-release pushups
30 medicine ball situps
30 cumulative seconds of flexed arm hanging
*On each round, one partner runs while the other completes reps of the prescribed movement for that round. Upon the return of the runner AND the completion of the reps for the other partner, roles switch and the second partner departs for his or her run while the previously running partner gets to work on the reps for that round. The round is not complete until both partners have run and completed the reps required for that round. No partner may advance to the next task until his or her partner has also completed his or her concurrent task for that portion of each round.
Post your results to the Whiteboard.
Transfer your data from here.
Workout of the Day
Using many of the same fault rules as volleyball, wallyball employs a medicine ball thrown over a volleyball net. The only approved throwing methods are the push press or thruster throw. Every member of the team must handle the ball at least once before the ball may be volleyed back to the opponent. If a fault is forced by a team after returning a volley that was handled exclusively with thruster throws, an extra point will be added to the point gained for the fault for the scoring team.
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Rhetoric Basketball
No WOD for Rhetoric Basketball today. Godspeed on your games tonight!