MONDAY 180507

Patrick initiates one of his three ground-to-overhead attempts. He ended up finishing the event with a successful 110 lb. lift and 15 bonus reps of deadlift, garnering him a finishing score of 163.5. Great job, Patrick!

Workout of the Day
4 rounds for time of:
Pull a 1/2 bodyweight sled 50 meters
Run 150 meters
15 Strict pull-ups
25 Double-unders

For the sled pulls and the run, start with the sled at the start point for the run. Drop the sled at the first 50 meter mark, and run the remainder of the 200 meter trail. Upon completing the first round, run to the last location the sled was dropped, pick it up from that point and pull it to the next 50 meter drop point, and run the remainder of the 200 meter trail. Continue this pattern until all four rounds have been completed, leaving the sled ultimately at the start/finish point.

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

FRIDAY 180504

Workout of the Day
Find your 3 rep max.
Use a 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 rep scheme

Transfer your data from here.

Non Nobis 180504

Complete any workout from Monday through Thursday not already completed and log your results to the day that workout was posted.

Post your results to the Whiteboard.


500m row sprint: The aftermath!

Workout of the Day

“Running Fran”
95/65 lb. Thrusters, 21 reps
21 Pull-ups
Run 400 meters
95/65 lb. Thrusters, 15 reps
15 Pull-ups
Run 400 meters
95/65 lb. Thrusters, 9 reps
9 Pull-ups

Enter your results to Non Nobis 180501

Non Nobis 180503
5 rounds for time of:
155 pound Deadlift, 12 reps
155 pound Hang power clean, 9 reps
155 pound Push jerk, 6 reps

Post your results to the Whiteboard.


Jarrod pulls his sled back to his rower for another round of Row & Tow. Good effort, Jarrod!

Workout of the Day
Overhead Squat
Find your 5 rep max.
Use a 5-5-5-5-5 rep scheme

Compare to 160727

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

TUESDAY 180501

Karsten chalks up for an impressive 10x bodyweight deadlift with Mom.

Workout of the Day
CrossFit Games Open Workout 11.5
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 Power cleans (145lb / 100lb)
10 Toes to bar
15 Wall balls (20lb to 10′ target / 14lb to 9′ target)

Enter your scores on Monday 180430‘s post

Transfer your data from here.

Non Nobis 180501
“Running Fran”
Run 400 meters
95/65 lb. Thrusters, 21 reps
21 Pull-ups
Run 400 meters
95/65 lb. Thrusters, 15 reps
15 Pull-ups
Run 400 meters
95/65 lb. Thrusters, 9 reps
9 Pull-ups

Post your scores to today’s Whiteboard.

MONDAY 180430

Caleb rounds the last turn with his yoke on event 2. Great job on your first Games, Caleb!

Workout of the Day (ProvFit & Non Nobis)
CrossFit Games Open Workout 11.5
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 Power cleans (145lb / 100lb)
10 Toes to bar
15 Wall balls (20lb to 10′ target / 14lb to 9′ target)

Compare to 180201

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.