2017 ProvFit Games Event 1
“Make it Two, Please”
Four rounds for time:
Row 500 meters
25 meter weighted sled pull
Trail run 500 meters
25 meter weighted sled pull

17+: 135/95
15-16: 115/75
13-14: 95/65

2017 ProvFit Games Event 2
30 reps for time:
Clean and Jerk (135/95 lbs)

Only click the “Rx” button for this when you log if you did it at the prescribed 135# for men, 95# for women. Simply log your finish time; do not worry about logging results based on the Games scoring system.

Transfer your data from here.

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

FRIDAY 170407

Workout of the Day
Hoover Ball

Non Nobis 170407
As many rounds as possible in 20 min:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.


Workout of the Day
Sumo Deadlift
Find your 5 rep max.
Use a 5-5-5-5-5 rep scheme

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

Transfer your data from here.

Non Nobis 170406
Four rounds for reps of:
2-minute Row (calories)
2-minute Strict burpees
2-minute Double-unders
Rest exactly 2 minutes and 20 seconds between rounds
10 seconds transition time between stations

Post your results to 170404

Transfer your data from here.


Workout of the Day
Split Jerk
Find your 3 rep max.
Use a 3-3-3-3-3 rep scheme

Compare to 161109

Non Nobis 170405
Sumo Deadlift
Find your 5 rep max.
Use a 5-5-5-5-5 rep scheme

Compare to 160608

Transfer your data from here.

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

TUESDAY 170404

Workout of the Day
Four rounds for reps of:
2-minute Row (calories)
2-minute Strict burpees
2-minute Double-unders
Rest exactly 2 minutes and 20 seconds between rounds
10 seconds transition time between stations

Transfer your data from here.

Non Nobis 170404
Four rounds for reps of:
2-minute Rope ascents, 15′
2-minute Squat snatch
2-minute Double-unders
Rest exactly 2 minutes between rounds
L4: 95/65
L3: 85/55
L2: 75/45
L1: 55/35

Transfer your data from here.

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

MONDAY 170403

Workout of the Day (ProvFit & Non Nobis)
Three rounds for time of:
Row 800 meters
Front squat, 20 reps
Push press, 10 reps
Thrusters, 5 reps

L4: 75/55
L3: 65/45
L2: 45/35
L1: 35/2×12-lb. dumbbells

Compare to 160411. However, leveled loads for this workout have been updated from the previous attempt.

Transfer your data from here.

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.