FRIDAY 170106

Workout of the Day
Partner WOD!
3 rounds for time and reps of:
Run 400 meters

While one partner is running the 400 meter distance, the second partner collects as many reps of cleans as possible. Upon the first partner’s return, roles switch and the previously cleaning partner begins his/her 400 meter run while the other partner continues the clean rep count.

Teams note the time at which both members complete all three intervals of the 400 meter run, but continue accumulating reps of cleans, switching off as desired until all teams participating have completed their runs. Teams who do not attain the top score in the timed event may still compete for highest rep count until the event concludes.

L4: 115#/75#
L3: 95#/65#
L2: 65#/45#
L1: 35#/20# Medicine ball

Transfer your data from here.

Non Nobis 170105
2 rounds for “score” of:
Tabata Squats (4 minutes)
Muscle-up for 2 minutes
Push-up for 2 minutes
Rest 2 minutes
Transition from the T. squats to the muscle-ups/ push-ups immediately. Start with either movement and switch at the 4-minute mark. Multiply the sum of muscle-ups and push-ups completed by the lowest number of squats completed during that round of Tabata. Add the scores from both rounds together for total final score.


Make up Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5 from 170103

Transfer your data from here.

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.


Workout of the Day
2 rounds for “score” of:
Tabata Squats (4 minutes)
Muscle-up for 2 minutes
Push-up for 2 minutes
Rest 2 minutes

Transition from the T. squats to the muscle-ups/ push-ups immediately. Start with either movement and switch at the 4-minute mark. Multiply the sum of muscle-ups and push-ups completed by the lowest number of squats completed during that round of Tabata. Add the scores from both rounds together for total final score.

Transfer your data from here

Non Nobis
Push Jerk
Post results to 170104

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

TUESDAY 170103

Workout of the Day (ProvFit & Non Nobis)
25-20-15-10-5 rep rounds for time of:

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

Non Nobis transfers data from here.

ProvFit transfers data from here.

MONDAY 170102

Workout of the Day
4 rounds for max reps of:
1 minute deadlift
1 minute hang squat clean
1 minute hand release pushups

Use the same load for the hang squat cleans as for the deadlifts. Hang squat clean load should be heavy. Rest exactly 1 minute between rounds.

Post your reps and loads used to the Whiteboard.

Transfer your data from here.



Workout of the Day
Christmas Eve Partner WOD!

“12 Days of Kettlebells all the Way”
200 meter partner sled pull
Day 1: Row 100 meters
Day 2: One armed kettlebell SDHP, alternating
Day 3: Bar muscle-ups
Day 4: One armend kettlebell thrusters, alternating
Day 5: Pullups
Day 6: Goblet squats
Day 7: Pushups
Day 8: Kettlebell swings (American)
Day 9: Box jump-overs
Day 10: Lunge step with kettlebell held overhead (one arm, alternating)
Day 11: Medicine ball squat clean
Day 12:Kettlebell box step-ups (6 steps per partner)
200 meter partner sled pull

Partners alternate who performs the starting movement for each round, and alternate “days” within each round. The day number indicates the number of reps to be performed of each specified movement. A partner may not begin work on a particular “day” until his partner is complete with the previous “day’s” task.

Men’s Rx = 1.5 pood KB, 24″ box, 20# med. ball, 45# plate on the sled
Women’s Rx = 1 pood KB, 20″ box, 14# med. ball, 35# plate on the sled

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

Transfer data from here.

Sydney and Cambrie work together to knock out some bar muscle-ups on the “12 Days of Christmas” workout on Christmas Eve. Good work, ladies!