Workout of the Day
3 rounds for time of:
30 sumo deadlift high-pulls @ 1/3 BW
20 supine burpees with a 10# medicine ball
15 thrusters @ 1/3 BW
For the supine burpees, begin from the standing position holding the medicine ball securely overhead. Lower yourself to a seated position and lay back holding the medicine ball as in performing a regular, un-anchored sit-up (foot position may be as preferred). Make sure the ball contacts the floor beyond your head and that your shoulder blades make contact with the floor as well at the bottom of the movement. Perform a sit-up with the medicine ball held securely in front of you until it makes contact with your toes. Then rise quickly to a jumping position with the ball still held overhead. Repeat.
Post your results to the Whiteboard.
Transfer your data from here. If you could not complete all 3 rounds, DO NOT mark Rx! Just note when you stopped, how much you had completed when you stopped, and the weights you used. In the notes section, you may annotate Rx weight (if you truly used 1/3 of bodyweight) as per this example: “2 rounds, Rx @ 35#” or whatever the data show for you.

When we lost Faith, we never lost faith that Faith would faithfully return. Good to have you back, Faith!