Workout of the Day
5 3-minute rounds of:
5 simulated muscle-ups (ring row to jumping ring dip)
100-yard shuttle sprint (25 yards there and back, 2 times)
Max reps thrusters @ 1/3 bodyweight

Rest 3 minutes between rounds. Post only the number of thrusters completed each round. Note the weight used in notes for Rx. Only mark Rx if you truly used 1/3 of bodyweight for the thrusters.

Rhetoric Basketball
30 reps for time:
Clean and Jerk (135 lbs*)

*135# is the eventual goal. Right now athletes will be using a weight with which he can complete all 30 reps in under 5:00. The time cap is 6:00. If the athlete surpasses the time cap, the weight will be lowered by 10# the following week. Once a sub-5:00 time is achieved, the athlete will, the following week, increase his Grace weight by 10# and continue to strive for a sub-5:00. 10# increases are only allowed after passing this 5:00 threshold. No one shall ever mark “Rx” until reaching 135#.

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

Transfer your data from here.


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