Workout of the Day
“Follow the Leader”

Weekend Partner WOD!

4 rounds for reps of:

1-minute row (calories)
1-minute medicine ball squat cleans
1-minute pushups

10 seconds of transition time allowed between stations.
At the start of each round, the “leader of the round” begins performing reps of the exercise movement of his or her choosing from the three prescribed. As soon as the 10-second transition time following the 1-minute round expires, the leader records reps and moves on to the next movement. At this time, the opponent begins performing reps of the station just previously occupied by the leader. At the conclusion of the three stations, performance is compared and a winner is determined by which athlete won best out of the 3 rounds. That athlete then assumes the role as the leader for the next round following a 1-minute break from when the previous “follower” completed his or her last round. This means that if a follower assumes the role of leader for the next round, that athlete will only get 1-minute (+transition time) of rest, while the athlete transitioning from leader to follower will receive 3 minutes of rest.

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

Transfer your data from here (if you can read it!)


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