TUESDAY 160927

Workout of the Day After School
10 efforts, each for time of:
40 yd. weighted sled sprints
Rest as needed between efforts.
L4=45#/30#, L3=35#/25#, L2=30#/20#, L1=25#/15#

Transfer your data from here

Workout of the Day 7th Period
As many rounds as possible in 20 min:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

Transfer your data from here

Non Nobis 160927
3 rounds for max reps of:
1 minute rope climb, 15′ ascent/13′ ascent
1 minute row (calories)
1 minute dumbbell box step-ups, alternating legs (24″/20″; 35#/25#)
1 minute medicine ball squat cleans (20#/14#)
Rest exactly 1 minute between stations, and as needed at the end of each round.

Transfer your data from here

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

MONDAY 160926

Workout of the Day (ProvFit & Non Nobis)
Find your 2 rep max.
Use a 5-4-3-2-2-2 rep scheme
“Time Priority Diane”
For reps:
60 seconds of deadlifts, 225 lb. (or 60-70% of 2 RM if scaling)
60 seconds of handstand push-ups
45 seconds of deadlifts, 225 lb. (or 60-70% of 2 RM if scaling)
45 seconds of handstand push-ups
30 seconds of deadlifts, 225 lb. (or 60-70% of 2 RM if scaling)
30 seconds of handstand push-ups
This workout takes 4.5 minutes, with no rest between exercises.

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

Transfer your data from here.


Workout of the Day
“The Thruster 1000 or 30”

For time and in a 3-member team, earn 1000 thruster rep credits, or earn as many thruster rep credits as possible in 30 minutes.
For men/ women & teen boys/ teen girls, rep conversion is as follows:
45#/35#/20#(MB) 1 rep = 1 rep of thruster credit
65#/45#/35# 1 rep = 2 reps of thruster credit
75#/55#/45# 1 rep = 3 reps of thruster credit
95#/65#/55# 1 rep = 4 reps of thruster credit
115#/75#/65# 1 rep = 3 reps of thruster credit

Additionally, teams may earn thruster rep credit in the following ways:

5 calories on rower = 1 rep of thruster credit
5 situps = 1 rep of thruster credit
2 pullups = 1 rep of thruster credit (minimal banding allowed as needed)
2 pushups = 1 rep of thruster credit

Only one partner may work while the others rest; only one exercise movement may be conducted at any given time by the entire team. The workout must begin and end with thrusters, but can rotate between any of the other movements as deemed suitable to each separate team.
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

Transfer your data from here.

FRIDAY 160923

Workout of the Day (ProvFit & Non Nobis)
10 efforts, each for time of:

40 yd. weighted sled sprints

Rest as needed between efforts.

L4=45#/30#, L3=35#/25#, L2=30#/20#, L1=25#/15#

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

Non Nobis: transfer your data from here.

7th period ProvFit: transfer your data from here.

After-school: Any data gathered was lost in the rain; wait until a rescheduling of this WOD.


Workout of the Day
Shoulder Press
Find your 5 rep max.
Use a 5-5-5-5-5 rep scheme

Transfer your data from here.

Non Nobis 160922
3 rounds for reps of:

1 minute situp & supine leg raises
1 minute sumo deadlift high pulls, 45#/35#
1 minute wall ball shots, 20# @ 10’/14# @ 9′
1 minute knee raises from upright support on rings
1 minute jumping pullups, bar at base of palm when standing at max reach
2 minutes rest

Transfer your data from here.

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.


Workout of the Day
Hang Clean
Find your 3 rep max.
Use a 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 rep scheme
Take your final 3RM load and clean and jerk it once

Compare to 160203

Non Nobis 160921
5 rounds for time of:
10 back squats
6 split jerks, alternating legs on each landing

Use the same weight for back squats as for the split jerks
Rx weights: Level 4=95#/65#; Level 3=75#/55#; Level 2=65#/45; Level 1=55#/35#
Compare to 160218
Clean & Jerk
Find your 2 rep max.
Use as many efforts as desired

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

Transfer your data from here.