FRIDAY 160422

Workout of the Day
Find your 3 rep max.
Use a 3-3-3-3-3 rep scheme

and/ or
“Row & Tow”
For time:
20 calorie row
20 yard weighted sled pull
20 burpees
20 yard weighted sled pull (with added weight)
15 calorie row
20 yard weighted sled pull
15 burpees
20 yard weighted sled pull (with added weight)
10 calorie row
20 yard weighted sled pull
10 burpees
20 yard weighted sled pull (with added weight)
20 yard dash

Sled weights for 17+ boys begins at 80# and increase by 35#, 25#, and 25# respectively on each return trip. 17+ girls and 15/16 boys begin with a sled loaded to 70# and increase in 25# increments for all return trips. 15/16 girls and 13/14 boys start with a 60# sled and increase with 25#, 25#, then 15# respectively per return trip, and 13/14 girls start with a 50# sled and increase 25#, 15#, and 15# respectively each trip. There is a 15-minute time cap on this event.

and/ or
4 X 4 X 4 Clean & Jerk Speed Ladder
With an array of 4 bars loaded with ascending weights at each bar, perform 4 reps clean and jerk at each bar before moving on to the next. Time cap to finish all sets is 4 minutes. Score is average of all the loads completed and an additional bonus pound for every 15 seconds under the time cap.

and/ or
Just Row
500 Meter Row (as many efforts as desired; log only your fastest)

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

Transfer your data from here.



Workout of the Day
Pull-up and Double Squat Ladder

Every minute, on the minute, perform the corresponding number of reps of each movement until no longer able: Perform 1 pull-up and 2 squats during the first minute; then perform 2 pull-ups and 4 squats the second minute, and so on until failure to achieve the prescribed number of reps for the minute you are on. Your score is the highest minute for which you successfully completed all the reps.

Compare to 151029.

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

Transfer your data from here.



Workout of the Day

4 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
5 burpee muscle-ups

If you’ve got a 20-lb. vest or body armor, wear it.

Transfer your data from here

Overhead Squat 2-2-2-2-2
Front Squat 2-2-2-2-2
Back Squat 2-2-2-2-2

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

Now THAT'S a rower pull! Keep the photos coming, folks!

Now THAT’S a rower pull! Keep the photos coming, folks!

TUESDAY 160419

Workout of the Day
Find your 5 rep max.
Use a 5-5-5-5-5 rep scheme

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

Transfer your data from here.

Samuel C&J Speed Ladder

Samuel working his way up his ladder. If you have more photos from the games, please send them to me!


MONDAY 160418

Workout of the Day (A.M. & P.M.)
“The Chief”
Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
3 Power cleans (135 lb)
6 Push-ups
9 Squats

Rest 1 minute then repeat, for a total of 5 cycles.

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

Transfer your data from here. Post your highest round interval in the main space, and all other rounds + reps in the space designated for modifications.


FRIDAY 160415

Workout of the Day
ProvFit Games Event 3

“Sit-up, Throw up, Get up, Repeat” or “Tossing Stones”

For time:

Run 1500m
100m medicine ball sit-up throws with bear crawl

For the 100m medicine ball sit-up throws with bear crawl, athletes must straddle the medicine ball with their legs, grasp the ball while performing a sit-up, then perform a two-handed overhead toss at the end range of motion of the sit-up. Athletes must then bear crawl to the final resting position of the medicine ball and continue to perform throws in the manner prescribed until they and their ball cross the finish line 100m from the start.

17+ and 15/16 boys use 20#; 15/16 girls use 16#; 13/14 boys use 14#; and 13/14 girls use 10#


ProvFit Games Event 4

“Out to Lunge”

With a partner, complete as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:

Overhead walking lunge steps with a plate

While one partner holds a plank position, the other partner assumes an overhead position with his or her weight and begins performing walking lunge steps. If either partner “breaks” the standards of his or her position (i.e. loss of plank position or dropping the weight plate to the top of the head or lower), then the partners must switch roles, and the lunge step rep count will be continued by the previously planking partner as soon as a standard plank position has been assumed by the previously lunging partner.

17+ boys use 35# plate; 15/16 boys use 25# plate; 15/16 girls and 13/14 boys use 20# (2×10# plates); and 13/14 girls use 15# plate.

Bench Press
Find your 10 rep max.
Use a 10-10-10-10-10 rep scheme; rest at least 3 minutes between sets

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

MWF A.M. transfer your data from here.

Competition athletes, transfer your data from here.