MONDAY 150706

Row 90 seconds for distance, then (with no rest):

For time:

40 pushups
40 squats
30 pullups
30 handstand pushups
30 box jumps, 20″ box; then…

…rest as needed before:

Cash out: Row your 90-second effort distance for time.

WL Group: Back squat: 3-3-3-3-3.

Post distance for first row, times for chipper WOD and cash out row, and loads for back squat to WOD Log.


One advantage of indoor rowing.


FRIDAY 150703

For time:

Run 2 miles

Post times to WOD Log.

Declaration of Independence

Remember this weekend: It’s not all about fireworks, parades, or BBQs; it’s about what this document says. Americans forget that at their own peril.


“Michael” or “Half-Mike;” choose one:

“Michael” is 3 rounds for time of:

800m run
50 hip extensions
50 situps;

“Half-Mike” cuts distance and reps in half:

3 rounds for time of:

400m run
25 hip extensions
25 situps

Standing hip extensions with weight may be substituted for hip extensions on the GHD. “Half-Mike” compare to 150130.

WL Group: Shoulder press: 3-3-3-3-3

Post times, weights used for standing hip extensions, and loads for shoulder press to WOD Log.

open diabetes



MONDAY 150629

40-20-10-5 reps for time of:

wall ball shots
knees to elbows

Rx weights for wall balls: RBV=20#; RBJV & RGV=15#; RGJV & LB=12#; LG=10#

WL Group: Clean 7-7-7-7-7

Post times, weights used for wall ball, and loads for cleans to WOD Log.

Hannah SDHP

The blur is from the speed she put on the bar. The squint is from the effort that went into generating that power. Macte virtute esto, Hannah!



FRIDAY 150626

In front of a timer set at specified intervals, perform as many reps as possible of:

2 min. Thrusters
2 min. V-ups
2 min. SDHP
2 min. rest
90 sec. Thrusters
90 sec. V-ups
90 sec. SDHP
90 sec. rest
1 min. Thrusters
1 min. V-ups
1 min. SDHP

WL Group: Bench Press: 5-5-5-5-5

Weights for thrusters and SDHP should be the same.  Rx weights are: RBV=35#; RBJV & RGV=30#; RGJV & LB=25#; LG= 20#.

Post total reps and loads used for thrusters, SDHP, and bench press to WOD Log.

Lincoln Deadlift

Lincoln stands up 140# 3x on WL WOD 150624



“Out to Lunge”

Partner WOD! Each partner team must complete a combined total of 150 walking lunge steps while holding a weight bar overhead. While one partner lunges, the other must hold plank. Any pause to rest for either partner will initiate a role change (this includes dropping the bar below the top of the head for the lungers, or ground contact with any part of the body other than arms and toes for the plank holders).

Rx weights for the lunges are as follows: RBV=45#; RBJV=35#; RG & LB=25#; LG=15#

WL Group: Make-up Day II

Post times, partner pairing, and loads to WOD Log.


Yes, pregnant women can do pullups.