MONDAY 150608

5 rounds of:

100m sprint
bench press, 10 reps

Rest as needed between efforts.

WL Group: Back squat: 5-5-5-5-5

Post times for the sprints and loads for the bench press and back squats to WOD Log.

John_Stayton Hanging Around

Taxing the grip…again!

FRIDAY 150605

Perform as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:

sumo deadlifts
hanging leg raises

Switch between the two movements every minute on the minute.

RBRx = 95#; RGRx & LBRx = 65#; LGRx = 45#

WL Group: Split Jerk: 5-5-5-5-5

Post total reps and loads used to WOD Log.

WOD 150603

Beginning, or end of WOD? You decide.


Perform as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:

hang clean and jerks

Switch between the two movements every minute on the minute.

RBRx = 45#; RGRx & LBRx = 35#; LGRx = 25#

WL Group: Front squat: 7-7-7-7-7

Post total reps and loads used to WOD Log.

Noah Shoulder Press

Noah getting some shoulder work in after a “little bit” of conditioning!

MONDAY 150601

For time:

Run 400m
10 heel-supported L-pullups
Farmer’s carry, 400m
10 heel-supported L-pullups
Run 300m
15 heel-supported L-pullups
Farmer’s carry 300m
15 heel supported L-pullups
Run 200m
20 heel supported L-pullups
Farmer’s carry 200m
20 heel supported L-pullups

Weights for farmer’s carry: LGRx=12#; LBRx & RGRx=16#; RBRx=20#

WL Group: Shoulder Press: 7-7-7-7-7

Post time and load used for farmer’s carry to WOD Log.


Jeb stands up 185# Sumo-deadlifts 7x during WL WOD 150529. I think the belt really did make him stronger!

FRIDAY 150529

As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:

5 Kicks up to a handstand
10 Superman wall touches, 18″ target
15 Double-unders

WL Group: Sumo deadlift: 7-7-7-7-7

Post times and loads to WOD Log

Death by 5 Pushups w quote

Ahh, memories…





“Fight Gone Bad!”

3 Rounds for reps, 1 minute each of:

15-35# hang squat cleans
box jumps, 20″ maximum
ring rows
wall ball shots 8#-20#
“competition” pushups

Post total reps, weights used for HPCs and WBs, and height of box to WOD Log.

Screen shot 2015-05-26 at 7.56.08 PM

This is what you all better look like today. Now THAT’S getting it done, Noah! And Jeb, you’re right to look concerned. Photo credit: Tim Flanagan, Solas Gallery