Workout of the Day
3 efforts, each for time of:
800 Meter Run (compare to 151113)
Max Rep Kipping Pull-ups (compare to 151208)
Max Rep Push-ups (compare to 160620)
Transfer your data from here.
Non Nobis 161004
For time:
1/4 bodyweight sumo deadlift high-pull, 40 reps
100 push-ups
1/4 bodyweight sumo deadlift high-pull, 40 reps
Max reps @ 50% bodyweight of:
Hang squat clean
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Transfer your data from here.

Caught just as she was starting her transition under the bar. Heels off the ground (actually, she is entirely off the ground!) indicate rapid and powerful extension of the hip and allow for rapid setting of the feet into the landing (squat) stance; the slight lean back, shrug, and bent elbows at the top of the second-phase pull ensure the bar remains over the mid-foot plane during its ascent. Great job, Kat!