TUESDAY 150929

Workout of the Day
5 rounds for time of:

Sumo-deadlift high pull, 10 reps
Ring row to jumping ring dip, 10 reps

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

Transfer your data from here. Note weight used in the field following “Rx,” and note whether you performed the movements Rx or with LROM (limited range of motion).

The "False Grip"

The “False Grip”

FRIDAY 150925

Workout of the Day
Find your 5 rep max.
Use 8-7-6-5-5 rep scheme
while finding
Max Rep Kipping Pull-ups
Max Rep Strict Pull-ups
There is no time element to these components; they may be performed concurrently to economize time during the session.
Post your scores to the Whiteboard. Choose either strict or kipping pull-ups for logging, not both. Make note of your weight ascents in the “modification” section next to the Rx.

Transfer your data from here.

Burden Tiki. What a blast, right?

Burden Tiki. What a blast, right?


Workout of the Day
For time:
Run 400m
10 toes to bar
Farmer’s carry, 400m
10 pushups
Run 300m
15 toes to bar
Farmer’s carry 300m
15 pushups
Run 200m
20 toes to bar
Farmer’s carry 200m
20 pushups

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

Transfer data from here.

Morgan High Pull

Now THAT is a high pull! Great elbows, proper stance, whimsical socks. Morgan’s a CrossFitter alright!

TUESDAY 150922

Workout of the Day
5 rounds for time of:
10 back squats
6 split jerks, alternating legs on each landing

Use the same weight for back squats as for the split jerks
Rx weights: RBv=65#; RBjv&RGv=55#; RGjv&LBv=35#; LGv&RBjv=25#; LGjv=20#

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

Transfer your data from here.

Help spread the word about this GoFundMe campaign to get our program better equipped! Email the campaign link to everyone you know who might be willing to help!

Chad Vaughn discusses the jerk in an article.

Mike Burgener teaches elements of the split in a video.

FRIDAY 150918

Workout of the Day
“Burden Tiki”
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:
weighted pushups
weighted standing hip extensions
weighted squats
weighted situps

Sprint 20m between couplets; carry the weight plate used for all the weighted movements with you throughout the entire WOD.

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

Transfer your data from here.

Flanagan Bros. Partner WOD



Workout of the Day
8 rounds, each for time of:

100 Meter Run
Rest as needed between efforts.

Post your fastest time first to the Whiteboard; log all other times in the “notes” section.

Transfer your results from here.

Tim DL

Squeeze your scapulae together, TIm! Otherwise, nice setup.

Brian MacKenzie from CrossFit Endurance demonstrates a few corrective running drills

Here is a link to the CF Journal article that has more parts to the above linked video.