Month: June 2015

MONDAY 150608

5 rounds of: 100m sprint bench press, 10 reps Rest as needed between efforts. WL Group: Back squat: 5-5-5-5-5 Post times for the sprints and loads for the bench press and back squats to WOD Log.

FRIDAY 150605

Perform as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of: sumo deadlifts hanging leg raises Switch between the two movements every minute on the minute. RBRx = 95#; RGRx & LBRx = 65#; LGRx = 45# WL Group: Split Jerk:…


Perform as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of: hang clean and jerks burpees Switch between the two movements every minute on the minute. RBRx = 45#; RGRx & LBRx = 35#; LGRx = 25# WL Group: Front squat:…