Workout of the Day
The U.S. Army Physical Fitness Test
As many reps as possible in two minutes of:
Pushups (no resting in the down position – resting at the bottom terminates the effort)
As many reps as possible in two minutes of:
Situps* (no resting in the down position – resting at the bottom terminates the effort)
*Although Army standards for the situps dictate knees elevated with feet anchored and hands interlaced behind the head, due to the poor lower abdominal recruitment of this posture, and the tendency it creates to pull on the neck muscles and cervical spine, a typical abmat situp may be used for this workout to better suit our purposes.
For time:
Run 2 miles
Run 1 mile
Rest as needed between components. Then go here to see how you scored.
Non Nobis 170425
Each couplet for time:
45 thrusters, 95/65 lb.
45 pullups
rest as needed
30 thrusters, 115/75 lb.
30 chest to bar pullups
rest as needed
15 thrusters, 135/95 lb.
15 bar muscle-ups
Despite the as needed rest intervals, the time cap to complete all three couplets is 30 minutes.
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.